Plastic packaging goods

Industry Code (as per CMIE Prowess): 0101012045100000'

June 2022

Overall Industry Risk Score: 11/20 | Marginally Favourable

Sample Size: 30 Companies

Median Rating Value of sample size: BBB+

Individual Parameters Contributing to the Score

Demand & Supply Balance


Moderate Over Supply

The demand had seen a negative impact due to the economic slowdown and thereafter the spread of the pandemic. As per CMIE data, the industry reported y-o-y 7.3% growth in sales from Rs.21.6 billion for March 2021 quarter to Rs.23.2 billion for March 2022 quarter. The recovery in demand is likely over the near term based on offtake from user sector.

Extent of Competition



The industry is fragmented with usually modest scale of operations and high competive intensity.

Regulatory Risk


Predictable Regulatory environment

The regulations governing use of plastic and plastic packaging will continue to influence the operating metrics of the players.

Input Related Risk


Largely predictable supply of inputs from diversified sources or Raw Materials with rare, occasional disruptions / fairly predictable price band

Input costs are susceptible to crude oil and polymer price volatility.