Guidelines on Seeking Information from External Entities
Last Reviewed On: December 30, 2016 (Version 1.0)
The following are the external entities with whom the Analyst needs to interact / seek information regarding the entity being rated.
- Banker(s) to the rated entity
- Statutory Auditors (Optional)
- Debenture Trustees to the proposed or past issues of the rated entity
The major points to be covered during the interaction with:
- Banker(s):
- Repayment track record
- General conduct of the account
- Pending / Proposed Enhancements, if any
- Any other issue relevant to the entity being rated
- Statutory Auditors (Optional):
- Changes to the accounting policy, if any
- Adherence to the accepted norms
- Related party transactions
The Analyst shall obtain the required information, preferably in writing. However, if written feedback is not forthcoming, the analyst shall maintain a record of the discussions containing the date of interaction, name of the person interacted with and the synopsis of the interaction.
- Debenture Trustees (DTs) to the proposed or past issues of the rated entity - The analyst shall share with and obtain from the debenture trustees information as contained in SEBI circular No. CIR/MIRSD/3/2013 dated March 15, 2013.
Acuité reserves the right to seek feedback from vendors / suppliers, buyers and other investors/lenders, if considered necessary.