Independent Credit Evaluation: Fee Structure and internal controls
Last Reviewed On: 20 September, 2021 (Version 1)
- Fee structure for ICE of residual (sustainable portion) debt:
Standard fee shall be 4 bps (0.04%) of the proposed amount of residual debt.
Minimum fee per evaluation: Rs. 400,000/- (Rupees Four Lakh) + applicable taxes
Maximum fee per evaluation: Rs. 8,000,000/- (Rupees Eighty Lakh) + applicable taxes
The actual fee (after discount, if any) quoted by Acuite is payable in advance before execution of the ICE and shall depend on:
- Size of Resolution Plan
- Complexity of the case
- Under no circumstance shall:
- the fee charged by Acuite depend on OR be linked to the outcome of the evaluation / rating.
- compensation of any member of the analytical team be linked to the fee charged for any ICE
- Other conditions:
- Acuite will accept a mandate which must be executed between Acuite and the lending institution for ICE of RP of a specific borrower.
- The fee in the subsequent instance(s) shall not be higher than the fee charged for the first ICE mandate.
- Acuite does not advise or prepare or recommend or suggest any structure or indicate the rating outcome for a structure (scenario rating) for the residual debt RP. Any violation of the same by any employee(s) of Acuite will result in termination of the concerned employee(s).
- All ICEs of RPs will require an independent and unbiased Techno-Economic Viability (TEV) report accepted / forwarded to Acuite by the lending institution and / or the lending bank shall provide Acuite with the terms of the proposed Resolution Plan.