Guidelines on Seeking Information from External Entities


Last Reviewed On: May 08, 2023 (Version 2.0)

The following are the external entities with whom the Analyst needs to interact / seek information regarding the entity being rated.

  1. Banker(s) to the rated entity
  2. Statutory Auditors*
  3. Debenture Trustees to the proposed or past issues of the rated entity

The major points to be covered during the interaction with:

  1. Banker(s):
    1. Repayment track record
    2. General conduct of the account
    3. Pending / Proposed Enhancements, if any
    4. Any other issue relevant to the entity being rated
  2. Statutory Auditors*:
    1. Changes to the accounting policy, if any
    2. Adherence to the accepted norms
    3. Related party transactions

The Analyst shall obtain the required information, preferably in writing. However, if written feedback is not forthcoming, the analyst shall maintain a record of the discussions containing the date of interaction, name of the person interacted with and the synopsis of the interaction.

  1. Debenture Trustees (DTs) to the proposed or past issues of the rated entity - The analyst shall share with and obtain from the debenture trustees information as contained in the Updated Operational Circular for Credit Rating Agencies dated February 3, 2023.

Acuité reserves the right to seek feedback from vendors / suppliers, buyers and other investors/lenders, if considered necessary.

*Interactions with Statutory Auditors is carried out under specific conditions as stated in the Internal Governing document of Acuite